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Posted - 25 Apr 2009 :  03:18:09  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I think having a positive thread is ridiculous. These were beautiful and epic stories that the company butchered for no reasonable reason. I was actually sad to see that, because I wanted to show my wife, who loves but doesn't share my passion for reading, the "humanity" of this story and it was total crap. I found myself apologizing and trying to fill in where it went wrong.

It's like trying to convert someone to a religion but when you bring them to your temple there's a group of people using it for a toilet and wiping their bums on your holy scrolls and curtains.

That's me!!
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Posted - 07 May 2009 :  14:10:48  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
When I found out there was a DL movie I was so excited that is until I watched it... The characters were badly played and it did not capture their feelings or emotions. When you have a series of books like these with devoted fan bases you cannot skimp and cut they way they did for this movie. I know some other DL fans and they also were not happy with the making of this movie. Why not skip the cartoon all together and make a live action movie? Look at the response with LOTR and Harry Potter. With the special effects and graphics at their disposal these days the movie could be incredible and they would have not just fans interests peaked but also non fans who would go for the special effects alone. LOTR and movies like that made it big because the time and effort was put into it and look at the pay off! They certainly weren't losing money! Dragonlance could be just as great if not greater because of it's large and long established fan base. The cartoon was a disgrace to the books as far as I'm concerned and while I realize that they cannot fit the whole book into a movie I think they might have done a better job then what they did. It looked rather like a sat morning cartoon then a movie, the characters were misconstrued and the animation itself was poor. I hope to see better efforts in the future but if this is as good as it gets I highly doubt I will rush out to buy the next movie as I did with the first.

crystal timmings
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Posted - 07 May 2009 :  14:15:11  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
MRBlack you couldn't have said it in better terms I did the exact same thing while watching it with my husband! lol

crystal timmings
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Posted - 11 May 2009 :  08:46:48  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I just read the POSITIVE reviews and it was clearly obvious that moderators have created alias accounts judging by what was written!
There is no way on this earth that this film can be even moderately considered "ok" in any way! It looks older than the cartoons i used to watch in the 70's! To say you enjoyed watching this garbage, you're either a moderator, forum regular brown nosing, an infant that doesn't remember watching this quality of animation in the 70's or you have not read the books.

The authors "would" be disgusted with this movie which is why you will never hear from them. I can't find anywhere where they talk about this movie...would you? or would you be ashamed and embarrassed at letting this happen to the "best" series of books ever written imo?!!
The books offered a story far greater than LOTR and this movie "could" have been epic!
There is a saying that the authors should consider in future...'You have to spend money to make money'...this film is worth what i have in my back pocket right now...around $1 and 20c...after paying the animators i would have 20c to spare! He-man the cartoon looked better than this crap!

Excuse my rambling but I have worshiped the Dragonlance series since i was a child! At 36 years of age, i have waited a LONG time for a movie of my favorite books and now wish i had never watched it.

How much do you value your fan base? How could you let this happen? These would be my questions to the authors who in my opinion, have made a horrible mistake and will lose a large number of fans and future fans/followers of their great books.

The only way to make up for this "disaster" would be to make the same movie again, but this time, DO IT RIGHT! Spend the money and show your fans that you actually give a crap, and most importantly, acknowledge this mistake and apologize to your massive fan base!

Moderators...you may think that brown nosing in expectation that the authors will read you posts is the right thing to do? All your doing is pushing for another movie made with the same quality when in reality, you CAN'T have liked this movie! If you did, you shouldn't be running this forum! Go and read the books again, and while you're there, check out even a basic quality 2008 cartoon on tv and tell me this is ok!!! Are you educated enough to see how badly this was put together? This is basic stuff! Done on the cheap, and you're lying to yourself if you disagree!

Disgusted fan...

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Posted - 11 May 2009 :  15:34:20  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
You are hillarious. One of the two active mods here hasn't even seen the movie. I didn't like the movie, but I wouldn't blast someone that did. If you don't like the movie, say you don't like it. Don't flame people you don't know and have no idea what they believe. Join up in this group. Put forth some constructive criticisms and hopefully someone involved in making the movie will see your suggestions and make a better one. We would be glad to have you in the community.

Check out my fanfic on Lucius' and Arial's romance at the following link: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4658602/1/We_Met_at_the_Inn_of_the_Last_Home
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Posted - 11 May 2009 :  17:44:43  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I have seen the movie and I posted in the positive review thread. I also made sure to point out that it had numerous glaring issues. Us mods are just normal forum users and we have no hidden agenda. If we did this topic would be much smaller than the positive thread!

#9650; #9650;
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996 Posts

Posted - 11 May 2009 :  18:21:42  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I've never read a post that has been so blatantly wrong on so many subjects, but this is what happens when a review comes in well over a year after the movie has been released.

1. You state that every positive review must either be from a moderator, or from some brown-nosing fan hoping to get a reply from Margaret Weis or Tracy Hickman.

A - If you read the entire Positive review thread, the first review you came upon was mine. I'm certainly not hiding my moderator status, but I'm certainly not sugar-coating my review either. I clearly point out the flaws (voice acting, TERRIBLE animation etc). If you were visiting this site when the movie was actually released, you would have already known that members scared Margaret Weis off with negativity ages ago (yes, she used to visit). Tracy used to visit as well, and even posted his concern with the animation. I can't speak for everyone, but I don't think anyone would have been grovelling to the authors at that point.

2. You claim the movie to be horrible, but the only actual negative thing you mention is that the animation looks worse than a 70's cartoon.

A - Is that it? Nothing about voice acting, plot, directing, music, no other qualms, just animation? Back your griping up with evidence. Your "review" isn't a review at all, it's a giant bitch-fest aimed at flaming anyone who disagrees with you. At your claimed 36 years of age, you should be old enough to know better than that.

3. You claim the best thing to do is to remake the film with a bigger budget.

A - We agree! Have a look at the other threads, you'll see plenty of posts that agree on 2 basic concepts: 1 - The movie should be remade, and 2 - It would have been much better with a bigger budget. You might even notice a lot of irritated posts (even from myself) asking Paramount how they could justify such a horribly small budget for the film?

4. You claim that anyone who gave the movie a positive review doesn't deserve to moderate this forum.

A - This might be an alien concept to you, but a discussion forum is for people to express their views, both negative and positive, on a particular subject. Just as we've left every negative review up for all to see, we certainly are not obligated to delete the positives simply because there are more negative reviews. If we were so biased, we'd have reviewed and deleted any incoming negative reviews. Again, at 36 years of age you should probably realize this already.

CONCLUSION: It is my belief that you have been sorely misguided perhaps by the "Official" status of this movie site. You probably think that because we're the "Official" Dragonlance Movie site, that we're going to suck up to the producers, authors, etc. You would be dead wrong in that assumption. If I don't like something, I will let it be known. A small example is when the Public Relations fellow from Paramount joined the forum in order to promote the movie. We gave that poor fellow constant hell for not giving us timely updates and information. I was perhaps the most vocal of all and nearly ended up in a flame war with him. I'm not proud of that, I should have kept a cooler head, possibly said things in a different way. But my opinions would have been stated regardless, big-name directors and promoters be damned.
If you want to be taken seriously, post real reasons for disliking the movie and leave it at that. People are going to disagree with you, it's a fact of life and it probably happens every day in the "real world", so how can you be surprised to see it here?

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Posted - 23 May 2009 :  21:26:16  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
This movie was absolutly terrible. I read books 1 and 2, these were easily some of the best book I have ever read. I rarely read books, I'd say that these are the only two books that I have read in the past 10 years. Then comes along this move about the first book with what looks like a great cast. I could deal with the terrible script, and the poor animations, but what I couldnt stand was how they completly butchered the story, and ruined the 3rd book for me. There were so many things I didnt need to know in the moive, nor should I have known by the conclusion of the movie. The title of the movie should never have contained Dragons of Autumn Twilight, it was very misleading.
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Posted - 26 May 2009 :  03:09:22  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
How could the first animated film of such a beloved franchise turn out so terrible? It sucks to see this kind of mismanagement go down, especially with a company that you would think is run by people with greater than average intelligence (rpgers). Its also unfortunate that the managers/executives who approved and organized this are able to keep their jobs.

Let me give Wizards of the Coast a piece of advice.... and any author who would sign a contract with them... if you remain completely clueless on how to handle your franchises, give Blizzard a call and ask them for a few lessons. They refuses to release ANYTHING that would undermine the quality of their materials.

Dont have funding? Try this: have your extremely talented authors write an awesome script. Then, take said script to a well-funded movie company to see if they want to pick it up. If they don't, oh well, you tried. If they do, hey, you just got a @!#$#!-ton of funding to do the movie the right way.

Or, find the talent yourself. Oh look, this animated short of Drizzt and crew looks better than the entire Dlance film, and it was done by COLLEGE STUDENTS at the time.


The lazy, i-dont-want-to-spend-any-effort-looking-for-good-talented-animators AND i-dont-want-anyone-with-half-a-peanut-brain-to-manage-this option you chose gave the middle finger to millions of fans who stood by the Dlance franchise for over 20 years. Nice job WOTC.
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Posted - 27 May 2009 :  08:32:30  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi guys, It's taken me a long time to get a copy of this movie and I've tried to stay away from this forum and form my own opinion. Sadly after finally watching the film and checking out this thread I have to agree with most of whats being said here. Even though I knew there would be missing scenes I still found myself bitterly disappointed each time one was missing and some of them were really important I mean come on guys! how could you skip Riverwinds acid bath?
The lack of character development really hurt, if you hadn't read the books you'd have no idea of who these guys were (Yes I know they only had 90mins but sheesh! Tanis came off looking like a wanna be cleric)
Why oh why did they mix the animation styles? that was an epic fail, although I didn't hate the Draconians as much as I thought I would the Dragons looked average at best. They would have been better off trying for total Cgi as the drawn animation sucked arse.
Did I see Laurana and Elistan having a pash? wtf!!(lucky Elistan )
I'm 38 years old and have been reading every fantasy novel that I can get my hands on since I was 14 because DL gave me a love of reading and fantasy, It's sad to see that this is what they serve up to the people who have loved these books and characters for so long. So much for seeing the complete series made.
I'll end by saying that although I cringed my way through the movie my five year old son loved it. a sad indication of it's quality and maturity.

"Good and evil, there is never one without the other."

Edited by - Fireflash on 27 May 2009 08:34:21
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Posted - 20 Jul 2009 :  17:26:27  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Ok lets see if i can get this Right..i bought the movie when it first came out.i hadn't read the books in awhile(had loaned them to my sister a few years back)so figured i had a resonable chance at understanding what was going on.sat down and watched it and this was the impression i came away with..they cut to many important parts out and left to many of the B.s. stuff in.come-on a knock spell please he used a fireball period i didn't understand why the change there(he was a befuddled wizard remember). and were was the acid bath.they didn't even put in the wicker dragon I know it wasn't a big part of the plot but it let you know of what the kinder was about when it came to his friends.the animation sucked it was right out of "Thundar the barbarian".was displeased with the voices of Rast and carmen and half the time couldn't here what was being said because of the music..couple weeks later my kid wanted to watch something knowing full well he had never even heard of the Books but he loved the LOTR movies so put in the DVD and away he went about an hour later i went in to see what he was upto he was re-watching the movie.i've since went down and got my books back and put them in his room and he's never touched them but he will watch the cartoon he has watched it i'm being told 5 times.so my point is this had you made a better movie my kid would have read the Books and I know this because after watch LOTR he read the Hobbit and wanted to know were that part was I told him to read the next 3 he did and has made an attempt at Reading the Silmarilon(hahahahahaha gl Kid)i will rent the next movie and if it isn't at least marginaly better i wont even bother with the Rest..very disappointed
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Posted - 16 Aug 2009 :  20:04:57  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Wow.......... just wow

When I first heard they were making a movie of the book I was ecstatic. I marked it on my calendar and counted down the days till I got to see Raistlin and the others 'come to life' on my TV screen. However, after seeing the trailer and having my little fangirl heart crushed, I decided to skip watching the movie and completely ignored its existence from then on. It was all going well until yesterday when I finished reading The Hourglass Mage. I was feeling all giddy and had the urge to re-read the books, but since I've been really busy lately and didn't have much time to read, I (despite my slight apprehension) decided to watch the movie instead. I wish I hadn't. It took about 5 mins for the movie to turn my joy into feelings of disgust and anger and betrayal. I was 20 mins into the movie before I got so angry that I had to come here and make an account just so I could vent my frustrations as I watched this abomination.

Not only is it so visually unappealing that my eyes wanted to shrivel up and die during the first fight scene between the companions and the draconians, but the story and characters were butchered beyond recognition. The voice actors were stiff and not very believable (Flint sounded so cheesy that I cringed every time he opened his mouth, and Tas came off as mean and shifty instead of carefree and chipper). They also changed and added so many unnecessary things. I know it was only 90 mins, but I cant believe that they had the time for that lame Verminaard/Onyx scene, but didn't have time to show Riverwind getting shot in the face with acid (um one of the most important scenes in the book). I just don't understand why they did stuff like that.

Also the little things like Raistlins eyes! He had gold irises with hourglass shaped pupils, not gold irises in the shape of an hourglass! I know its small but it makes me angry to see such careless. And Tas's hophak, and the Forestmaster(btw her voice was so badly done) being covered in vines?! WTH was that? And Raistlin having visions and flashing eyes? Where did that come from? And his weird little smiles? It makes no sense! Arggggg!

Urg, and then having Tanis and Raistlin LOUDLY argue right next to a sleeping DRAGON??!! Are they high?! And I don't see ANY reason for them to make Laurana and Elsain suck face!

The only good thing about this movie is the scene where Raistlin calls Tas a dolt I'm just so angry and disappointed that WotC think so lowly of their fans that they would give us this garbage of a movie after so many years of loyalty. Shame, just shame.
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Posted - 18 Aug 2009 :  18:01:21  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I can't say I hated everything about it, but honestly, the thing that bothered me the most was the art direction. As an artist, I can tell you that whoever they had doing the blending from 3D to 2D animation really was either in a hurry or just didn't know what he/she was doing. When the draconians came flying in, I LOLed because they were so different. It almost seems like it was low budget. At least when the live action D&D movies were out, I wasn't chuckling at the poor quality. The blending wasn't the best in that one either, but I wasn't crying and scratching my eyes out.

As far as the voices, the actors did great. I say it was the writers who did a poor job. Really, I would have just taken what was there in the books and re-wrote it as a play. Some of the quotes were in there, but it just didn't feel the same. I guess it's also the voice director.

Overall, I'm not saying "OMGUSUCKPLZ" but I'm not super thrilled either. Trust me, it could have been worse. I've seen worse. OMG...

Artist of many trades.
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Posted - 22 Oct 2009 :  22:39:27  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I so agree. moving negative review into one forum only and not allowing them anywhere else... only makes the blind feel like this movie rules. i LOVE these novels. read them (original 6) dozens of times since I was 14... im 34 now.

but please.... this movie COULD have been epic. much better story than LOTR truly. but what a cheap crap sandwich this movie is. shameful.

Edited by - rosekitty on 22 Oct 2009 22:42:29
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Posted - 14 Apr 2010 :  06:21:21  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
This movie is an insult to DL. Nothing more.. I even don't see any need to discuss it.. And I still can't believe my eyes!

Hope is the denial of reality..
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